Acinetobacter Targets Classified as EC Number Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
These pathway assignments are generated by linking the SSGCID target EC number to the reference MetaCyc ( pathway.
Note that many enzymes are involved in multiple pathways and will appear in multiple pathway diagrams.
Additionally, an organism will be shown in the pathway assignment table if it contains at least one enzyme
from that pathway. However, this does not guarantee that the entire pathway is present in that particular organism.
SSGCID ID [Center ID] |
Annotation |
Target Approved |
Selected |
Cloned |
Expressed |
Soluble |
Purified |
Crystal- lized |
Diff- raction Data |
NMR Assigned |
In PDB |
Work Stopped |
Clones Available |
Proteins Available |
Most Recent Activity |
of Total Records: 0